Friday, October 5
Patiently Live My Life @ Friday, October 05, 2012
Hi guys. Finally have some times to blog something about
me after being away for a long time.
So far so good and facing a hectic day everyday.
Working for 11 hour per day and facing a noisy boss every hour is damn hell for me. When I think back I realize that how I wish to
turn back time. I wish I am a student again.
I miss my student life. There's no worries about working hour, salary, expenses, bills, client, boss and all that
crap you can think about. But to be realistic and to be logic, I have to
grow up. It's a must and I'm facing it right now. Being a man is not the same from being a boy especially in terms of managing every aspect of your
life. Sometimes, I feel like I wanna
quit and start to complaint about all things to my girlfriend but she will always say be patient and keep calm. I thank her for her support.
Until then. The
island is calling me
Friday, October 5
Patiently Live My Life @ Friday, October 05, 2012
Hi guys. Finally have some times to blog something about
me after being away for a long time.
So far so good and facing a hectic day everyday.
Working for 11 hour per day and facing a noisy boss every hour is damn hell for me. When I think back I realize that how I wish to
turn back time. I wish I am a student again.
I miss my student life. There's no worries about working hour, salary, expenses, bills, client, boss and all that
crap you can think about. But to be realistic and to be logic, I have to
grow up. It's a must and I'm facing it right now. Being a man is not the same from being a boy especially in terms of managing every aspect of your
life. Sometimes, I feel like I wanna
quit and start to complaint about all things to my girlfriend but she will always say be patient and keep calm. I thank her for her support.
Until then. The
island is calling me
Hello there
thanks for dropping by.
The name is Joel, been alive for almost 20+ years.
I blog about anything. It may be about my ramblings, music that I like, seriously anything.